Invitation to the 10. Branchentag „Schiff & See“ in Hamburg
We would like to invite our members of Maritime Startups Germany to the 10. Branchentag „Schiff & See“ with the topic „Smart drive technologies and their contribution to environmental protection“
New environmental requirements and legal regulations for emissions are forcing us to rethink shipbuilding and port technology. At the 10th Rittal industry day „Schiff & See“ on 18 June 2019 in Hamburg experts from the maritime industry will give an answer. You will get an overview of smart propulsion technologies for ships and their contribution to environmental protection.
Speakers, inter alia, from Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, VDMA Marine Equipment and Systems, NABU Berlin and MAN Energy Solutions SE present current challenges, the status of research and development and practical examples. The presentation of start-up’s and pioneers from the maritime scene as well as the networking of the participants continue to promise interesting aspects and suggestions for the industry.
Sign up now. Our specialists are looking forward to you! Your participation is free.